Noah Hamrick is a professional and freelance music teacher, singer, and trombonist. He sings Bass II in CCC, and has sung tenor, baritone, and bass in many large and small choral settings in greater Cleveland. Noah currently teaches 3rd and 4th grade general music, beginning orchestra, and children's choir at Avon Local Schools. He has also served positions in 7-12 choir, 6-12 band, and infant-preschool music. In addition to public school teaching, Noah is the Director of Youth and Children's Music at Lakewood Congregational Church of Christ. He earned his Bachelor of Music Education from the Baldwin-Wallace University Conservatory of Music ('14) and his Master of Music Education from Michigan State University ('17). Noah studied trombone with current and former Cleveland Orchestra members, such as Richard Stout and Allen Kofsky, and has served as a conducting apprentice with the BW Men's Chorus.