Originally from Japan, Kiko Weinroth had a strong curiosity about the English language and American culture. This interest led her to come to Ohio to study, where she ultimately earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Applied Music (Voice and Piano) from Ashland University and a Master of Arts in Vocal Pedagogy from The Ohio State University. She has been an active vocalist throughout Northeast Ohio. Her recent experience includes singing with groups such as Contrapunctus and the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and Chamber Chorus. She has also participated in services at various religious institutions, including singing at Federated Church under the direction of Amanda Powell. Currently, she is a section leader and soloist at the Church of the Covenant. She is a choral tutor for the Orange City Schools and she teaches voice at Solon Center for the Arts. She lives in Twinsburg along with her husband, teenage son and daughter, and their beloved dog.