Emily Capece enjoys a varied career as a conductor, singer, and teacher. An Ohio native, she is returning home after 22 years. Currently the Artistic Director of Oberlin Choristers and the music teacher at St. Dominic School in Shaker Heights, Emily spent the last decade as the Artistic Director of womanSong in Charleston, WV, and served on the faculty of the West Virginia Governor’s School for the Arts teaching choral and vocal music at Marshall University. Formerly, Emily has taught music at all levels, including schools in Okinawa, Japan; Fairfax County, Virginia; and New York City. She served as a conductor with the Appalachian Children’s Chorus, the Princeton Girl Choir, and has been a frequent guest conductor and clinician for all-county and all-state choral festivals. As a singer, Emily has performed with Fuma Sacra, The Washington Chorus, Dessoff Choir, the internationally noted Spoleto Festival USA, and many regional and community theater productions in principal roles. Emily completed her master’s degree in Music Education and Choral Conducting from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, and holds bachelor’s degrees in Vocal Performance and Music Education from Otterbein University. She is the recipient of the National Endowment for the Humanities Educator Grant to study Mozart Operas in Vienna, Austria. She lives in Shaker Heights with her husband and two children.